Email Campaigns



Personalize Messages with Rich Customer Data:

Tailor your campaigns to individual recipients by leveraging a treasure trove of rich customer data. This means you can address your audience by their names, reference their past interactions with your brand, and even recommend products or services based on their preferences. The power of personalization is at your fingertips.

Comprehensive Campaign Tracking:

Stay in control of your campaign’s performance with a secure login ID and password. This allows you to monitor key metrics such as opens, unopened emails, clicks, and unsubscribed users. Accessing these insights empowers you to refine your strategies and ensure your messages are resonating with your audience.

Email Tracking and Deliverability:

Ensure your emails reach the right inboxes and get the attention they deserve. Our campaign platform provides robust email tracking capabilities, allowing you to see when recipients open your emails and engage with your content. Plus, we prioritize deliverability, so your messages aren’t lost in spam folders, ensuring that your campaigns have the greatest impact.

mail tracking
mail delivery

Campaigns Tour

Built-in Email Templates

Over dozens of email templates.

Built-In Spam Checker

Get valuable suggestions.

Import Contacts in Bulk

From Microsoft Excel in CSV format.

Newsletter Signup Forms

Generate HTML forms code for website.

Automatic Bounce Handling

Keep your list clean.

Real-time Reports

Includes Open, Click, Bounce and More.


Automate followup tasks based on events.

Easy, Automatic Unsubscribes

Insert one-click unsubscribe links.

Google Analytics Integration

Track your campaigns further.

How it Works

It’s As Easy As Create. Send. Track.

Create List Import Contacts Design Email Send Campaign Track Results
*Create a Contact List

Contact list holds your recipients detail such as email address, first name.

Generally, It’s for grouping your recipients. When you send an email campaigns to a contact list everyone on that list receives the email.

You can create separate contact list based on your recipients such as prospects, customers and leads or based on your email campaign.

*Import Contacts

Bulk import recipients from CSV file. Useful when you have hundreds or even thousands of recipients to be added to your contact list.

Import Contacts Guideline. Save as your excel file to CSV format(comma delimated). The import file should not be more than 2MB size. If more than 2MB then split the contacts file and upload.

*Add Contacts

A quick way to add contacts individually. When you need to add a handful of contacts to your contact list, use the "Add Contact" form to add them in one by one.

*Design Email On Your Own

Using the built-in WYSIWYG HTML editor. Useful when you have hundreds or even thousands of recipients to be added to your contact list.

*Upload Your Existing HTML Filev

Reuse your existing email design. Already have an HTML design? You can import the HTML file and use it. You may edit it further using WYSIWYG HTML editor.

*You can send it right away or schedule it for later.

*You can choose mutiple contact lists to blast your email campaign.


*Real-time Statistics

Who opened your email and when? Which link they Clicked? Find answers to such questions.


Get the complete email campaign statistics such as

  • Email Opens
  • Bounces
  • Link Clicks
  • Unsubscribes 

Easily Integrate with Google Analytics to further track your recipients.

Create List Import Contacts Design Email Send Campaign Track Results
*Create a Contact List

Contact list holds your recipients detail such as email address, first name.

Generally, It’s for grouping your recipients. When you send an email campaigns to a contact list everyone on that list receives the email.

You can create separate contact list based on your recipients such as prospects, customers and leads or based on your email campaign.

*Import Contacts

Bulk import recipients from CSV file. Useful when you have hundreds or even thousands of recipients to be added to your contact list.

Import Contacts Guideline. Save as your excel file to CSV format(comma delimated). The import file should not be more than 2MB size. If more than 2MB then split the contacts file and upload.

*Add Contacts

A quick way to add contacts individually. When you need to add a handful of contacts to your contact list, use the "Add Contact" form to add them in one by one.

*Design Email On Your Own

Using the built-in WYSIWYG HTML editor. Useful when you have hundreds or even thousands of recipients to be added to your contact list.

*Upload Your Existing HTML Filev

Reuse your existing email design. Already have an HTML design? You can import the HTML file and use it. You may edit it further using WYSIWYG HTML editor.

*You can send it right away or schedule it for later.

*You can choose mutiple contact lists to blast your email campaign.


*Real-time Statistics

Who opened your email and when? Which link they Clicked? Find answers to such questions.


Get the complete email campaign statistics such as

  • Email Opens
  • Bounces
  • Link Clicks
  • Unsubscribes 

Easily Integrate with Google Analytics to further track your recipients.

Frequently Asked Question

What is technographic data?

We will design, install, maintain and upgrade solutions to meet businesses' specific needs and budgets, from large enterprises to local business security platforms, from simple camera solutions for small offices to complex enterprise-class video surveillance systems for large campuses.

How do you get technographic data

Marketing and sales teams don’t typically have direct insight into prospects’ tools, so they must rely on outside sources to obtain technographic data.

We Datnex could survey prospects by phone or email. And while surveys are reasonably easy to set up, it’s tough to get people to respond, and without a large sample size.

• User group communities
• Product/technology specific user conferences and trade shows
• Magazine subscriptions
• Online surveys
• B2B portals
• Technology specific job portals and postings
• Job specifications and areas of expertise in the current job role in
LinkedIn profile description.

For most marketing and sales teams, the most effective method for obtaining technographic data is to purchase it from a data provider who uses sophisticated, compliant data collection methods.

Is the data with you accurate or Outdated?

Our verification process works in a way as the list goes through three verification checks:
1. Email Verification
2. Phone Verification
3. Social Media Verification

Frequency of updates: The database gets updated once in 45 days and is
an ongoing process. As a quality check process we re-verify the database
prior to list delivery once the criteria is confirmed so that all the bad names
and addresses are eliminated to ensure higher deliverability and

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